You Got a New Puppy! 12 Essential Must-Haves!

woman in living room with puppy supplies all around her, puppy lying on the rug

So What All Do I Need for My New Puppy?

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting adventure filled with joy and companionship. If you’re not prepared, it can be an exhausting and unpleasant experience. Having the right puppy essentials on hand is essential to ensure a smooth transition and provide the best care for your new family member.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a kit full of all or most of the essential items you’ll need for your new pup?  Well there is!  Check out the Lobeve Puppy Supplies 39 Piece Starter KitAssorted dog care and training supplies collection.This kit has most of the smaller items needed, excluding larger items such as beds, crates and barrier gates.  In this article we’ll identify and discuss all the essential items you’ll need for you new buddy!  Lets get going!!

  1. Puppy Crate and Playpen: Creating a Safe Haven
    Welcoming a new puppy comes with the responsibility of providing a secure and comfortable space for them to call their own. A puppy crate and playpen are indispensable tools in fostering a sense of security and aiding in practical training. Let’s delve into this section’s essential components, including adding a dog carpet mat for added comfort and safety.

    • Puppy Crate: To ensure your new pup has a secure and cozy space of their own, it’s essential to invest in a top-quality dog crate.When selecting a crate for your puppy, ensure that it is of the right size to provide ample space for them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Consider a crate with a divider to adjust the space as your puppy grows. This not only aids in-house training but also offers a cozy retreat where your puppy can feel secure.
    • Puppy Playpen: Complementing the crate, a puppy playpen expands your pup’s designated area while ensuring they remain safe and contained. Choose a playpen with sturdy construction and easy assembly. This allows for supervised playtime and helps gradually introduce your puppy to different areas of your home.
    • Enhance the comfort of your puppy’s playpen by adding a soft and cozy dog carpet mat. This provides a warm surface for your puppy to rest on and adds an extra layer of insulation. Consider a washable mat that is resistant to chewing, ensuring durability and hygiene.
  2. Door Barrier Gates: Ensuring Safe Boundaries
    • In puppy-proofing your home, door barrier gates play a crucial role. These gates provide a physical boundary, restricting access to certain areas and ensuring a safe environment for your furry friend. Whether creating a designated space or keeping them away from potential hazards, door barrier gates offer a practical solution for managing your puppy’s exploration. Choose a sturdy and adjustable gate that aligns with your home’s layout.
  3. Premium Puppy Food and Treats: A Recipe for Healthy Growth
    Selecting the right puppy food is a crucial step in providing the best start for your furry baby. Opt for a premium puppy food formulated with essential nutrients like real meat, DHA, and calcium. Look for balanced options free from artificial additives, ensuring your puppy receives wholesome nutrition.

    • Good healthy treats play a dual role – as rewards and a part of their diet. Choose small, soft treats with added benefits like dental health or joint support. These treats contribute to positive reinforcement during training while providing additional nourishment.
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables can be good natural treats for puppies. Fruits like apples, bananas, blueberries, watermelon, and strawberries can be enjoyed by dogs. Vegetables like carrots, green beans, and cucumber slices can be given as crunchy and low-calorie treats.
    • When choosing packaged natural treats for puppies, you should consider things like:
    • Ingredients: Always check the ingredient list.
    • Age-appropriateness: Puppies have different nutritional requirements than adult dogs.
    • Do Not Feed To Dogs!!
  4. Chew Toys and Teething Accessories: Soothing Solutions for Your Pup
    Chew toys are not just play! They serve a crucial role in aiding your puppy’s teething process. Look for durable and safe options that help soothe sore gums and alleviate teething discomfort. Here’s a list of several to consider.

    • Kong: A Classic Choice: Kong toys, available in various sizes and designs, are revered for their durability and interactive features. You can fill these items with your dog’s favorite treats or peanut butter to occupy their time and attention and promote mental stimulation, turning their chewing sessions into a fun and rewarding playtime experience. Kong toys are excellent for redirecting your puppy’s chewing instincts onto a more appropriate target.
    • Orbee-Tuff Snoop: Engaging Playtime: Orbee-Tuff Snoop is another innovative choice that combines treat-dispensing with unpredictable movement. This engages your puppy’s senses and provides mental stimulation, making it an ideal option for teething puppies who love a challenge.
    • Squeak Toys for Auditory Stimulation: Incorporating squeak toys into your puppy’s collection adds an element of auditory stimulation to playtime. The sound of a squeak can captivate your pup’s attention and contribute to their overall enjoyment. Look for squeak toys designed with puppy safety in mind.
    • Teething Accessories: Cooling Comfort: Teething accessories, such as frozen teething rings or gel-filled toys, provide cooling relief for your puppy’s sore gums. These accessories can be especially beneficial during the teething phase, offering a soothing sensation for your pup.
  5. Comfortable Puppy Bed:
    • Well you don’t have to over think this one. You will be amazed at how easily puppies fall asleep. They can sleep anywhere! You may want to consider using a bed that has raised sides or bolsters to create a comforting sense of enclosure similar to that of a nest. Choose a bed that’s easy to clean, ensuring a hygienic sleeping environment. Machine-washable options or those with removable covers simplify maintenance.
  6. Puppy Training Pads: Paving the Way to Potty Success!!
    • Potty training – Everybodies favorite part of training a new puppy….. Not! But necessary. Invest in high-quality puppy training pads designed to absorb moisture and control odors.
    • Opt for pads with built-in attractants that encourage your puppy to use them. These pads provide a designated area for your pup to relieve themselves, facilitating effective potty training.
  7. Puppy Collar/Harness and Leash
    • When it comes to your puppy’s outdoor adventures, the right collar or harness and leash combo is indispensable. Consider an adjustable collar or harness that adapts to your puppy’s growth. A well-fitted collar ensures comfort and safety, while a harness may provide additional support, especially for small breeds. Choose durable materials and secure closures for a reliable walking accessory.
    • Pair the collar or harness with a suitable leash, considering factors like length and material. A standard leash or retractable option offers flexibility, allowing your puppy freedom while maintaining control. Choose a leash that aligns with your walking style, providing a balanced experience for both you and your furry friend.
    • Don’t forget the ID tag!! Attach an identification tag to the collar or harness with essential information for added security.
  8. Grooming Kit for Puppies: Nurturing Your Pup’s Well-being
    • Caring for your puppy’s coat, teeth, and nails is an integral part of their overall health and happiness. Its in your best interest and safety to get them accustomed to grooming while they’re young with baby teeth and temperament.
    • Shampooing and Gentle Brushing for a Lustrous Coat
      Shampoo – A mild and hypoallergenic shampoo specifically formulated for puppies is just the right thing for your pup’s coat. Puppy shampoos are formulated to gently cleanse and soothe puppies’ sensitive skin. Look for natural ingredients that promote a healthy coat without stripping essential oils.

    • Brush – Choose a soft-bristle brush designed for puppies to keep their coat clean and healthy. Regular brushing not only removes loose fur and prevents matting but also provides a bonding experience between you and your pup. Look for brushes with gentle bristles suitable for your puppy’s sensitive skin.
    • Toothbrush for Canine Dental Health: Introduce dental care early with a puppy-friendly toothbrush. Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth with a toothpaste that is safe for them is an effective way to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent plaque buildup. This grooming practice contributes to long-term dental health.
    • Nail Clippers and Filer for Paw Care: Keep your puppy’s nails trimmed and neat with specialized nail clippers. Puppy nails can be pointy and sharp – consider a filer to smooth rough points and edges, ensuring a comfortable experience for your pup. Regular nail maintenance allows your pup to get used to and desensitized to the sensation of clipping the nails. It also prevents discomfort and supports healthy paw care.
  9. Puppy Health and First Aid Kit: A Prepared Approach to Pet Care
    • Puppies will be puppies! Rambunctious and silly. Accidents will happen. It is helpful to have a pet first aid kit at home or when you are unable to access a professional for minor injuries. The kit should include some essential items such as gauze, bandage tape, ice packs, and tweezers.
  10. Pet Urine and Stain Remover: Accidents Happen!!!
    • Addressing pet stains promptly is essential for a clean and odor-free environment. Consider a pet-friendly stain remover that is specially formulated to tackle urine, feces, and vomit stains.
    • Look for enzymatic cleaners that break down and eliminate the source of odors, preventing future marking in the same spot. Effective pet stain removers not only eliminate visible stains but also neutralize odors. Choose a product that leaves your home smelling fresh and clean, discouraging your pet from marking the same spot in the future.
    • Make sure the stain remover is safe for use on various surfaces, including carpets and upholstery. This versatility allows you to address accidents in different areas of your home without worrying about damage to specific materials.
  11. Puppy Taste Deterrents: Discouraging Unwanted Chewing
    • Puppies explore the world with their mouths and noses, and sometimes this leads to unwanted chewing on furniture or belongings. Consider a taste deterrents that are safe for puppies and formulated to deter chewing. These products often have a bitter or unpleasant taste that discourages puppies from gnawing on furniture, cords, or other household items. Bitter Apple is a common ingredient found in deterrents. Pair the use of taste deterrents with positive reinforcement. When your puppy avoids chewing on the treated items, offer praise, treats, or a favorite toy. This positive association reinforces good behavior and helps in the training process. As your puppy learns appropriate chewing habits, you can gradually reduce the use of taste deterrents. This allows for a smooth transition as your puppy matures and understands which items are acceptable for chewing.
  12. Slip-On Shoes for Potty Training Convenience
    When it comes to frequent trips outside for potty training, convenience is key! Slip-on shoes, Crocs offer an easy, practical solution for quick outings with your puppy.

    Pawsitively Ready for Puppy Parenthood!!
    So there it is! With the right accessories and essentials in place, you’ve set the stage for a joyful journey with your new puppy. From cozy beds to grooming tools and health aids, your furry friend is well-cared for. As you navigate the early days, cherish the unique moments and watch your bond grow. Here’s to wagging tails, playful adventures, and the love that fills your home. Welcome to the wonderful world of puppy parenthood!